Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Unity 3D Terrain Tutorial

Here's a quick tutorial, created by Will Goldstone, that teaches you how to create an island terrain:

Video tutorial on creating a terrain in Unity 3D

It goes over adding/customizing a particle effect, adding a lightbox, adding a First Person Controller, & Etc. The presenter has goes over each aspect at a great pace. Kudos to you Will!

Here's the exact syllabus:

PART 1 covers creating a new project and exploring the interface.
PART 2 covers terrain extrusion and texturing.
PART 3 covers Trees and further environment topography.
PART 4 covers Lighting & First Person Control. In this part we introduce the First Person Controller, a ready made prefab allowing you to walk around using the keys and mouse, and lighting the scene.
PART 5 covers Water Elements and Light Flares.
PART 6 covers using a particle system to add smoke to our volcano.
PART 7, the final part covers improving our volcano's particle system by creating a material for the smoke.
This tutorial series is a great way to learn how to create an entire terrain from start to finish including effects and lighting in Unity 3D and is a grea lesson to learn how to use the Unity 3D game engine software.

You can see how mine turned out here:

(use the W,A,S,D keys to navigate)


Here's a picture if you're too lazy to click on the link:

Ain't she a beauty?

Following this tutorial is a great way to get familiar with the tools that Unity provides!

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